(214) 471-5058

When you had your first baby you were excited for what was to come. This was everything you dreamed about! Starting a family with the person you love, the baby clothes, the parties, the cake smash pictures, each milestone met… But somewhere along the way things shifted. You realized parenting is hard, your baby has turned into their own little human with thoughts and opinions (and the ability to say, “no”), you and your spouse seem to parent differently, and relationships are tense now. This was not how you imagined you family to be. You might be experiencing:
· Constant arguing
· Frequent power struggles
· Lack of connection
· Lack of understanding
· Lack of respect
· Lack of communication
If this is the case, the therapists at WellNest are trained to help. Our therapists do not judge or take sides. Instead, we offer a nonjudgmental, warm, and accepting environment in which families work through their deepest concerns. Family therapists help families to acknowledge and realize the subtle patterns of communication and relationships that might be contributing to the tensions. Common goals in family therapy tend to include:
· Increasing positive family relationships
· Increasing respect
· Changing communication patterns for the better
· Decreasing power struggles
· Learning about each other
· Decreasing arguments
· Increasing empathy and understanding
· Increasing healthy coping habits
· Increasing self and family awareness of generational trauma
At WellNest counseling, our therapists are trained to work with your family to establish goals and help your family reach their greatest potential, both as individuals and together as a family unit. In a fun, nonthreatening, safe environment, your family will have the space to talk about the hard topics and come to new understandings of one another.
Our Approach
WellNest Counseling uses games and activities to create a safe environment for families to explore difficult topics. We offer a safe place for everyone to express their opinions in order to create more harmony within the family. During sessions you will explore the different roles in the family and determine how those roles increase or decrease your family harmony. You will determine your family strengths and build off those to create positive bonds in your family. Our goal is to help you establish patterns of communication and healthy coping strategies that will strengthen and protect the family bond.