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Adult therapy

Here For You

No one told you adulting would be so hard. One minute you feel like you've finally got it down only to be hit with imposter syndrome and left wondering, "What the heck am I doing with my life?!" At the same time, you are probably trying to keep it together, working hard to prove to people that you are happy, easy-going, successful, and care-free. But underneath something feels off. You worry you are experience anxiety or depression.




You feel the need to control your environment, which inevitably causes more anxiety because the truth of the matter is you can’t control everything. When you get home at night you feel exhausted and worn-out. You might even feel sad, but you're not sure why. You might be feeling any of the following symptoms:


·      Uncertainty of where you want to be in life

·       Antsy

·      Feeling a sense of impending danger or panic

·      Increased heart rate

·       Breathing rapidly

·      Poor appetite

·       Sweating

·      Excessive worry

·      Irritability

·       Trembling

·      Imposter syndrome

·      Difficulty winding down

·      Difficulty concentrating

·       Sleep problems

·      Difficulty controlling your worries

·      Physical symptoms like stomach aches or headaches


People who suffer from anxiety often feel isolated and embarrassed. It might be difficult to partake in activities you once found enjoyable. Feelings of discomfort replace what once was feelings of joy or excitement. WellNest is here to support you. In a warm, non-judgmental environment, we will work with you to meet your therapeutic goals. When you feel ready, we will talk through your deepest concerns, helping you to reach your highest potential. 




When you suffer from depression, things that are easy become hard or even impossible. Simply getting out of bed in the morning can feel like a massive undertaking. Other tasks become what’s known as the “impossible task”; you know you need to do it, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get that task completed. You also have likely become really good at masking your depression. Your friends and family might not even know how you are feeling. Which can leave you feeling isolated and lonely. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, reach out to WellNest so we can help!


  •   Frequent crying

  • Difficulty thinking clearly

  • Lack of joy

  • Feeling “empty”

  • Fatigue

  • Poor appetite

  • Over eating

  • Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

  • Sadness

  • Irritability

  • Feelings of guilt

  • Feelings of worthlessness

  • Sleep problems

  • Physical symptoms like stomach aches or headaches


For most people, depression starts slowly, creeping in. You might have a down day here or there. Then one day you wake up and realize that all your days are down and every day is a challenge. It may be hard to believe when simply taking a shower seems impossible, but there is no need to keep suffering and you CAN overcome depression. Your therapist at WellNest will work with you side by side to help you make the best choices and changes to beat your depression.


Our Approach


At WellNest we use cognitive behavior therapy, talk therapy, eye-movement reprocessing and desensitization (EMDR), and mindfulness. In a warm, non-judgmental, and welcoming environment, we work to establish your goals and explore the negative core beliefs that hold you back from experiencing life to its fullest. You will learn easy-to-implement coping skills to manage and maintain your worries. Together, we work with you to bring wellness back to your nest.


What to expect in a session


When you arrive at WellNest you may wait in our comfortable waiting area. You will be greeted by your therapist and welcomed in one of our therapy rooms. The first session is used to establish therapeutic goals and get to know each other. In this session you will reflect on what brought you to therapy and what your goals are. After this session, you and your therapist will work together to explore your deepest concerns in a safe environment at your pace. You are in control of your session and can talk or not talk about different topics. You therapist will use different techniques and activities to help you gain a new perspective and enhance your life.

Happy Portrait
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